Monday, January 10, 2011

Watch this 7 Billion Times

Welcome to 2011 - Glad to be here, glad to have you.
And glad to provide you with some perspective (courtesy of National Geographic).

Today, while getting up to speed with some new creative initiatives (personal, work and otherwise), I found the new National Geographic video for their year long series entitled 7 Billion. The video adds perspective on the global population and where we are headed: consumption, lifestyle, basic needs and so on.

Although most corporations now undertake some sort of "Go Green" corporate citizenship - are they doing it because they care? Or are they doing it simply to be accountable to shareholders. Yes, this is a step in the right direction. Yes! At least we are all acknowledging our growing concern to take care of our Mother Earth. But can we do more? We have to.

Lately, hearing about initiatives for clean water, proper sanitation, children's education and so on have absolutely inspired me. I think we need to focus these efforts not only overseas, but at home. Why not make everyone productive, healthy and focused so that 7 Billion heads together can work to make efficiencies to save our planet? - the next project as our way of giving back.

Video taken from